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Self Love Is the Answer with Amy Hartsough

Season #4

Amy Hartsough is a spiritual life coach and author of Sacred Journaling: A Guidebook to Connect With Your Higher Self & Create a Life You Love. Her passion is helping female HSPs & Empaths use sacred self-care tools such as energetic grounding, safe emotional processing, and intuitive journaling to expand their capacity to receive their desires. She's obsessed with personal growth, spirituality, and connecting with amazing humans. In this conversation she's sharing how you can connect with your higher self to discern what your purpose is, the role self love plays, and a journaling practice she created that will serve you along the way.

We're talking about finding a community, mentorship, mindfulness, imposter syndrome, feelings of fear and anxiety, fulfillment, belonging, slowing down to get where you desire to go faster and so much more!

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